Gintariukas, IĮ

Gintariukas, IĮ

Raudondvario pl. 164 (Vilijampolė), Kaunas
Vaccination, teeth cleaning, chip marking, animal registration, animal identification, blood tests, tooth scaling, veterinary services
We work around the clock.
Raudondvario pl. 164 (Vilijampolė), Kaunas
Lentvario veterinarijos klinika, MB

Lentvario veterinarijos klinika, MB

Račkūnų g. 36A, Lentvaris, Trakų r.
Cat cut, teeth cleaning, animal identification, vaccination, preventive inspection, therapeutic treatment, surgical treatment, urine tests
Closes 18.00
Račkūnų g. 36A, Lentvaris, Trakų r.
Dainavos veterinarija, UAB

Dainavos veterinarija, UAB

Pašilės g. 118 (Gričiupis), Kaunas
Tumors removal, teeth cleaning, tooth scaling, dental tartar removal, dental tartars, oral hygiene, tooth extraction, nail cutting
Closes 22.00
Pašilės g. 118 (Gričiupis), Kaunas
MambaVET, MB

MambaVET, MB

Taikos pr. 97, Klaipėda (Affiliates)
Tumors removal, teeth cleaning, tooth scaling, dental tartar removal, dental tartars, oral hygiene, tooth extraction, nail cutting, ticks
Closes 18.00
Taikos pr. 97, Klaipėda (Affiliates)
Z. Romanovo odontologijos klinika

Z. Romanovo odontologijos klinika

Gervėčių g. 1B/ Kalniečių g. 175 (Žaliakalnis), Kaunas
Oral hygiene, teeth cleaning, ontological services, dental clinics, ontological services, dentistry, dentistry, dentistry, tooth removal
Closes 18.00
Gervėčių g. 1B/ Kalniečių g. 175 (Žaliakalnis), Kaunas
Džo, UAB

Džo, UAB

Statybininkų pr. 7A-1A, Klaipėda
Surgery, teeth cleaning, dentistry, dermatology, animal food, zoo supplies, Specific, hairdressing salon, cat cut, prophylaxis, microscopy
Statybininkų pr. 7A-1A, Klaipėda
Fairy dente, MB

Fairy dente, MB

Suvalkų g. 19, Panevėžys
Gum treatment, teeth cleaning, oral hygiene, fur purge, concretion cleaning, tooth polishing, bleaching, higienist, oral hygiene
Closes 19.00
Suvalkų g. 19, Panevėžys
Akeso veterinarijos klinika

Akeso veterinarijos klinika

Deltuvos g. 10B, Ukmergė
Oral hygiene, scaling, teeth cleaning, oral hygiene, surgeries, cytology, chip marking, marking, tooth scaling, de-worming, dermatology
Closes 21.00
Deltuvos g. 10B, Ukmergė
Panemunės veterinarija, UAB

Panemunės veterinarija, UAB

Vaidoto g. 97 (Panemunė), Kaunas
Tumors removal, teeth cleaning, tooth scaling, dental tartar removal, dental tartars, oral hygiene, tooth extraction, nail cutting
Closes 19.00
Vaidoto g. 97 (Panemunė), Kaunas
VT Klinika, UAB

VT Klinika, UAB

Demokratų g. 53 (Vilijampolė), Kaunas
Animal microchipping, teeth cleaning, ultrasonic tests, endoscopy, echoscopy, cytological studies, oral hygiene, animal identification
Closes 19.00
Demokratų g. 53 (Vilijampolė), Kaunas

A. Žebrauskienės odontologijos klinika, UAB

Taikos pr. 39-1 (Dainava), Kaunas
Dental tartars, teeth cleaning, oral hygiene, tooth extraction, dentist in Kaunas, dental Clinic, therapeutic dentistry, metal ceramic
Closes 19.00
Taikos pr. 39-1 (Dainava), Kaunas
Vyjodenta, odontologijos kabinetas, UAB

Vyjodenta, odontologijos kabinetas, UAB

Masčio g. 34-104, Telšiai
Tooth removal, teeth cleaning, endodontic retreatment, surgical dentistry, children's dentistry, zirconia, zirconia ceramics, metal ceramic
Closes 17.00
Masčio g. 34-104, Telšiai
Jurgaveta, UAB

Jurgaveta, UAB

Kauno g. 18, Prienai (Affiliates)
Tumors removal, teeth cleaning, tooth scaling, dental tartar removal, dental tartars, oral hygiene, tooth extraction, nail cutting
Closes 19.00
Kauno g. 18, Prienai (Affiliates)
Nemuno odontologijos klinika, UAB

Nemuno odontologijos klinika, UAB

Nemuno g. 15, Panevėžys
Gum treatment, teeth cleaning, oral hygiene, fur purge, concretion cleaning, tooth polishing, bleaching, higienist, oral hygiene
Closes 20.00
Nemuno g. 15, Panevėžys

LiDonta, UAB

Klaipėdos g. 7B, Ukmergė
Oral hygiene, teeth cleaning, ontological services, ontological services, dental clinics, dentistry, dentistry, dentistry, tooth removal
Klaipėdos g. 7B, Ukmergė

K. Vasiliausko veterinarijos ambulatorija

J. Biliūno g. 40, Telšiai
Surgical procedure, inoculation, immunizations for animals, sterilization, neutered animals, animal chip, teeth cleaning, tooth extraction
Atsidarys 15.00
J. Biliūno g. 40, Telšiai
J. Jauneikienės IĮ

J. Jauneikienės IĮ

Sodžiaus g. 18, Neravų k., Druskininkų sav.
Tumors removal, teeth cleaning, tooth scaling, dental tartar removal, dental tartars, oral hygiene, tooth extraction, nail cutting, ticks
Closes 18.00
Sodžiaus g. 18, Neravų k., Druskininkų sav.
32:Balti, odontologijos klinika

32:Balti, odontologijos klinika

Olimpiečių g. 3E-104, Vilnius (Affiliates)
Oral hygiene, teeth whitening, implantation, channels cleaning, emergency dental care, dentists, odontologist, dentists in Vilnius, filling
Closes 20.00
Olimpiečių g. 3E-104, Vilnius (Affiliates)

Dantesa, UAB

J. Grušo g. 26, Kaunas
Oral hygiene, teeth whitening, implantation, channels cleaning, emergency dental care, dentists, odontologist, dentists in Kaunas, filling
Closes 19.00
J. Grušo g. 26, Kaunas
A. Kasparavičiaus IĮ, odontologijos kabinetas

A. Kasparavičiaus IĮ, odontologijos kabinetas

Kauno g. 29, 2 a., Marijampolė
Teeth straightening, teeth grinding, trays, channels cleaning, dental guards, self-ligating braces, ceramic braces, support of dentist
Closes 17.00
Kauno g. 29, 2 a., Marijampolė
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