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Varėnos r. Perlojos ugniagesių komanda

Perloja, 65372 Varėnos r.
(+370) 62065570
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Transdirektas, UAB
40.1 km | Kauno g. 28, Alytus
fire-protection systems security systems alarms access control weak currents lighting electricity works fire-fighting equipment alarms communicator fire prevention BOSCH Rj45
Iksa, MB
43.1 km | Pramonės g. 23, Alytus
fire-fighting equipment distinguishers distinguishers Druskininkai fire hoses smoke detectors/smoke alarms first aid kits first aid kits fire protection fire prevention safety
Orvėsa, UAB
51.4 km | Solidarumo pl. 40, Tartoko k., Šalčininkų r.
plumbing exterior engineering systems engineering nets heating heating systems watter supply water supply systems inside water supply outdoor water supply waste water waste removal ventilation ventilation installation of venting systems recuperation...
Smega, UAB
56.5 km | Vokės g. 24, Lentvaris, Trakų r.
Metal processing powder painting Covering with sand welding painting of rims welding of aluminum cutting of metal
Srautaservis, MB
56.8 km | Juozo Lašinsko g. 3D, Melekonių k., Vilniaus r.
MB “SRAUTASERVIS” is a company that provides comprehensive cleaning and coating services of industrial and residential...
Dominis, UAB
62 km | Mechanikų g. 101-2, Vilnius
fire protection equipment revision machines powder fire extinguishers carbon dioxide extinguishers water foam extinguishers safety signs distinguishers fire extinguisher fire-fighting equipment fire hoses boots fire protection panels legal services work safety...
Gaisrosauga, UAB
62 km | Mechanikų g. 101-2, Vilnius
fire fighting safety fire protection fire-fighting equipment fire protective door fire-extinguishing systems fire alarm system distinguishers fire safety courses extinguishing system fire fighting safety powder fire extinguishers security alarm premise security systems fire alarm alarm fire-protection systems...
Dogas, Vilniaus skyrius, UAB
63.6 km | Motorų g. 6 (Naujininkai), Vilnius
Electrical goods electronic equipment wires cables heating cables lightning protection grounding. Automatic swiches surge arresters switchboards transformers fuses pipes starters frequency converters accumulators ventilators...
Krasas, UAB
64.7 km | Metalo g. 4 (Naujininkai), Vilnius
multilayer pipe shells mattings thermal insulation mirelonas thermometers gauges sewerage collectors check valves balancing expansion vessels fire-fighting equipment non-return valve filters mud collectors...
65.2 km | Vilkpėdės g. 20A, Vilnius
work safety services consultations work safety safety at work work safety audit professional risk assessment preparation of work safety documents occupational safety and health at work functions management work safety documents normative acts instructions orders protocols staff regulations magazines filling of occupational safety and health status passport...
Gevirda, UAB
65.4 km | Vilkpėdės g. 6 (Vilkpėdė), Vilnius
extinguishing system fire hoses distinguishers fire protection safety at work
Gansta, Vilniaus filialas, UAB
65.8 km | Kuršių g. 2 (Naujininkai), Vilnius
technical insulation heating equipment fire-fighting equipment fire protection valves check valves pipelines fasteners holders holder check valves ball valves gauge water pumps coverages additives expansion vessels...
Duventa, Vilniaus skyrius, UAB
68.5 km | Viršuliškių g. 34 (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
engineering systems waste water systems heating systems installation of heating systems installation of venting systems repairs building removal of smoke
Baltijos manufaktūra, UAB
70 km | Olimpiečių g. 3E-113, Vilnius
Due to the unique design, special profile filling and complementary parts of highest standards, we offer...
Dogas, UAB
71.6 km | Ozo g. 3, Vilnius
Electrical goods electronic equipment wires cables heating cables lightning protection grounding. Automatic swiches surge arresters switchboards transformers fuses pipes starters frequency converters accumulators ventilators...
Siemtecha, UAB
72.1 km | J. Kubiliaus g. 23-101 (Žirmūnai), Vilnius
technologies automation automatics electrotechnics controllers engines gears building technologies modernization SIEMENS electric gears sensors software controls possesion of processes engine controls switches...